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Someone said it was a "New Norm"

 September 27, 2020

There haven't been many years, if any, that compare to 2020 in the unexpected occurrences all around us. We have walked through so many things that we have never experienced before and for those of you that may be similar to me in likes and dislikes, then your world hasn't changed much at least on the inside. Hopefully the next year will be the total opposite of this year in being a more in control world, but as we all know, chances are just chances and change is always evolving. 

However, one thing that doesn't really change is the make-up of a man. We have unique traits, characteristics, and an incredible personality developed thru the years and it has given birth to the black hat me and the white hat me. And you too my friend wear a white hat at times, and on occasion, the black hat. 

This is what is truly "me" when you gaze in the mirror, and you do...but what do you see? Do you see a beautiful you (and you don't have to be female to be beautiful) or do you see a person you're not so fond of? As we move forward we will shape our thinking to recognize, deal with, and appreciate who we are as an individual more so than that someone you truly don't care to be around if you had a choice. 

Let's begin with a simple task. When you wake in the morning do you feel like it's Monday everyday? Or perhaps, ready to jump all in like it's a Friday? Hate to say it, but I think you know that if you wake up to Monday or to Friday depends totally on you. Your point of view, your vantage point, or any other way that molds what the rest of the day will be like. know it and I know it. Understand, I am not minimizing the hard ups and downs in life nor do I want to portray a Polly Anna viewpoint either. Oh wait, for you young guys, Polly Anna was a young girl who never saw anything in life as hard, or something to panic about. She merely went thru life with a smile, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in one had, and chocolate chips in the other. What a life! 

Ok getting back to our task. I would love to challenge you with this seemingly simple task and that is to remind yourself every morning that you will not allow any negative feelings to dominate your thoughts and your mind. The most important part here is that you remind yourself because if you can do this then you will have a clear prompting as to how you are going to allow your day to flow. The secret here is that you have to keep this reminder well in the forefront of your mind, otherwise you will not succeed and something else will take over the helm on your wonderful ship.


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